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Patty Huss West is a resourceful conservator and collections care advisor.  I am ready to solve your art collection issues from simply cleaning or repairing an object to overcoming chaos with an object inventory.


"Patty & I have been colleagues for over 20 years beginning with our work together at the Carnegie Museum of Art. She embodies that rare combination of professionalism and skilled artisan while always upholding a genuine concern for the art". 


Rhonda Wozniak

Comprehensive care of art collections through preservation and documentation.

Conservation combines unique skills of artistic ability with knowledge of art history and material science.  



I am proud to have worked with private clients, museums, galleries, institutions, and businesses in Pittsburgh and the surrounding area for 24 years:


            > Carnegie Mellon University

            Carnegie Museum of Art

            > Duquesne Club

            > Heinz Family Office

            > Heinz History Center

            > Kentuck Knob

            > St. Nicholas Church Millvale

            > The Andy Warhol Museum 

            > The Pittsburgh Steelers

            > Westmoreland Museum of Art

            > WVU Art Museum


My conservation education in London developed specialized skills in acute observation, drawing, wood carving, stone carving, and gilding that led to a true understanding of historical materials and artisanal construction methods. These crafts are a life-long fascination of mine. See student artists in action. (click here)


My studio is located in Allison Park and welcomes clients and colleagues. 


  • Large, well-lit space with worktables, conservation tools and materials.

  • Monitored temperature and relative humidity, security, fire safety.

  • Separate office to conduct business.


“Your experience of the art you love will be enhanced by having more time to enjoy it, more peace of mind that it is well looked after and more confidence in its long term stability and compounding worth.”   Philip Schubert & Associates

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